What a Pentecost weekend! Around 2500 participants from 6 European countries met in Berlin to compete in the sport we all love: basketball. It was great to have you and we hope you enjoyed the tournament as much as we did.

216 teams played a total of 692 games in 12 divisions on 19 fields, scoring 45,117 basket points. Once again, 106 indispensable referees accompanied the games, including the 129 very close games that were decided with a difference of 5 or fewer points.

And not to forget: Around 400 volunteers made this tournament possible – by organizing it for months in advance, by making sure shuttles drive from gym to gym all weekend, by preparing food for our Players Lounge… the list goes on and on.

A big THANK YOU to all our supporters and CONGRATULATIONS to all participants for a great tournament, especially the winning teams:

wU12: City Basket Berlin

wU14: BC Marburg

wU16: BG Hamburg-West

wU18: SC Alstertal-Langenhorn

wSen: VfL AstroLadies Bochum

xSen: BG Zehlendorf

mU12: Weddinger Wiesel

mU14: Dresden Titans

mU16: BG Zehlendorf

mU18: BG Zehlendorf

mU22: Eisbären Bremerhaven

mSen: Nandor's Truppe

See you next year (May 18-20, 2024) for the 38. #ZehlendorferPfingstturnier!