Your Online Registration
First, create your user account at After that, you can do your online registration. This application automatically gets registration status 1 → which means waiting for incoming registration fees.
Registration deadline is April 21 2024.
Payment of Registration Fees
In the second phase, you have to pay team registration fees and games operation deposit(s). As soon as your team fees are paid, registration status 2 → (registered, fees transferred) is reached.
Important: Paid fees will be reimbursted in case we have to reject an application.
When we receive team fees plus games operation deposit(s) and capacities are available, we confirm your registration in advance – status 4 → confirmed, waiting for payment of remaining fees (if necessary).
By pre-confirmation your team registration is guaranteed. Now you must pay remaining fees (if relevant) until the 30th of April 2024.
Important: It might be possible that your registration after team fee payment is placed on the waiting list – in this case, please see FAQ No. 10 below.
Remaining Fees Payment
In this phase, you transfer payments for guest cards, if necessary.
Final Confirmation
After payment of remaining fees your registration will be confirmed finally and proceeds to status 5 → final confirmation.
Please pay registration fees as early as possible. You will get immediate feedback about your registration (or if you are on the waiting-list). This way, early booking and travel arrangements are possible before you are confirmed finally – on condition that you pay remaining fees in time. In this case, participation is guaranteed.